Who we are

The Leger Lab is a family built from camaraderie, passion, and dirt

To study plants, you have to get your hands dirty. When you join the lab, you join a team of plant enthusiasts who will not only care about you, but will also be willing to get sweaty and dirty with you for the greater purpose of native plant restoration in the Great Basin.

Meet the PI

Elizabeth Leger, Ph.D.

Focusing on native plant restoration in the Great Basin, I design experiments to identify the most promising strategies for restoring natural systems affected by fire, invasive species, and chang​ing climate.

By studying local adaptation and selection in the wild, my lab has identified a suite of strategies that increase plant survival in invaded and disturbed systems, notable in that these strategies are diametrically opposed to the long-standing views of traits that should be prioritized during restoration of these cold desert systems. 

I am a foundation professor at the University of Nevada, Reno and the Director of the Museum of Natural History.

Current Lab Members

Our Values

Here's a glimpse into the culture that defines us:

Supportive & Inclusive:

We believe that you can only do your best work in an environment when you are supported, healthy, and happy! We strive for that here, and welcome all kinds of people.

Dedicated & Resilient:

Working hard towards a broader goal is our style; we are not motivated by personal glory but by a common purpose, which is doing excellent applied science.


Why go small when you can go big? We push our experiments to the limits of our patience, and then we go a little further.

Alumni & Ongoing Collaborators

Outreach & Education

Explore our latest science communication projects

Museum of Natural History

Great Basin Fire Science Exchange Program

Join Our Team

Are plants your jam?

We’re always looking for ambitious, collaborative, and respectful students to join the lab. Contact us to learn about available opportunities!